The 3 most significant social problems in San Francisco de Yojoa are:
- Emigration: a variety of domestic factors, including a lack of economic opportunity, are driving people to leave the country, mainly settling in the USA, Canada and Spain.
- Remittance Dependence: many families receive money from family members living and working abroad, causing that some people who receive remittances have an incentive to reduce their own labour because they know that their relatives working abroad will send them money regularly.
- Family Disintegration: some factors causing this are parents migrating abroad due to high unemployment and underemployment; lack of education; lack of a loving, supportive environment within the family; macho attitude of wanting to have as many children as possible; among others.
How can the volunteers participate in helping to solve each of these issues?
- In order to contribute to the solution of these issues, volunteers could participate in organising different activities that promote an entrepreneurial mind-set together with children, youth and their families. Fostering key qualities of entrepreneurship such as creativity, the ability to keep going in the face of hardship, and the social skills needed to build great teams. These activities could at the same time, help family members to interact with each other, and analyse together how to resolve community problems, focusing in local solutions rather than pursuing a life abroad. Entrepreneurial thinking can strengthen rural businesses and reinvigorate an entire community.
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